21 September 2011

Condobolin 21.9.11

Time is absolutely flying by :D
Left Wagga at 12.30
  Pauline, Jenny, Peter and Kayla

We arrived in Condobolin last Friday afternoon after battling a heavy head-wind all the way from Wagga Wagga. 
Saturday we spent the day in the garden with Wendy and Ian and coped with the high temperatures and the HOT wind.  Darryl helped build an enclosure for the rooster as he was running the hens ragged.......
Wendy and Holly transplanted and repotted several plants and cacti.  Saturday afternoon we headed into Condobolin for the Pipe Band Tattoo. There were 6 different Pipe Bands performing in the main street from 5pm and then we headed up to the RSL club and got our positions for the Tattoo.

  The lone Piper

 The tattoo started at 7pm and finished just after 10pm.  It was a good night.  Not too hot, not too cold and not windy.
Sunday we had a lazy day at home and looked at Wendy and Ian's holiday photos from the UK.  That was great fun and included some of the spots that we visited in 1999 and 2008.  We wet out to dinner at the RSL club to celebrate Wndy and Ian's 19th Annversary (which was on Monday).
Monday morning we were up early to say goodbye to Holly as she went off to boarding school in Forbes.  She starts holidays on Thurday so we may go for a trip and pick her up.  We went into town after lunch and i got a brace for my knee.  Still haven't heard from the Dr about the results of the CT scan - so will just continue to take pain relief. Got some groceries at the IGA and then headed back to the research station.
Tuesday we had a slow day at home.  Got a call from the Dr about the scan and said that I have osteophytes in the joint and on all the bones and lots of effusion (swelling) and to take pain relief and if it doesn't improve I may need to see a specialist.  Went out to Lunch with Ian and Wendy at the Condo Hotel. Nice meal and well priced.  Went up to see Wendy at work and she showed me how to use the lands department data base for historical research.
Wednesday - today - up early and did some washing for Wendy and Ian.  Went up to see Wendy to try and print off some more parish maps about Jindera in the 1880's.

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