14 September 2011

Wagga Wagga 14.9.11

What has been happening here????!!!!!

We arrived on Thursday and stayed with my sister Jenny and her family.  We are parked on the street next to their house.
Friday we went to see Mum and gave her her lunch.  She looks a little fatter in the face but still has her scrawny knees.

We then went to Uncle Jack Pendrick's and saw him and his daughter Cheryl.  Had a lovely chat with them and will call back during the week.

We then went to the shops and got meat for dinner and then to Office works to get a scanner for photos as I have left the other one at home :( OR so I thought!!!!!!  I also got some photo quality paper to print up some photos to put on Mums wall at the home.

We then returned home and got dinner ready for the family.  Jenny and Lyn were going to a Leo Sayer concert at the Civic centre at 8pm.  Unfortunately by the time Jenny got home and got ready she didn't get to eat any of the meal :(

Saturday  we went out to watch young Kayla play in the semi finals of the netball comp.  Unfortunately her team lost 11 - 26 but she did play a good defensive position.  Unfortunately we didn't take the camera with us :(

We then went back to Jenny's and then headed to Lyn and Ken's for dinner.. 
Ken was at work but we had dinner with Lyn, Meghan and Jaden.  Such a cutee.

 We also had a visit from Carrissa and her two children Jack and Pieper. 

Was great to see them.
When I went to bed Saturday night my right knee was painful -don't know what I have done to it ????

Sunday we got up and spent the morning with Jenny, Peter and family and I noticed that I had a large soft lump above my r knee.  Wasn't sore but it was just there......
Went down and saw Mum and gave her her lunch again.  She took about an hour to have her lunch today.  We were joined by Lyn and Jaden.  From here we went to Aunty Nancy's.  When we got there she was not well but fiercely refused to go to the hospital as she had a doctors appointment on Monday morning.  She a a slight hemi-plegia of the left arm but her speech and walking were okay. We kept an eye on her and left at about 7pm.  By that time Gary was home so could care for her.

Monday arrived and we had to drop the car off at Jason Nissan for its 30,000km service.  We had done 31000+ km.  They kindly dropped us off back at Jenny and Peter's home and we had to wait for them to let us know it was ready.  When we got back to the house it was to find Peter home as they didn't have a load for him today so he came back and worked on the yard.  I did all our washing and managed to get it dry.  It got down to -1.7 last night and there was plenty of ice on the car this morning.  When we told the fellow at Nissan that the car had been bogged in the last couple of weeks he said - well at least you are using it they way it is meant to be used :D
Peter took us for a drive to a lookout near a property where he delivers fuel and we could see as far as Gundagai.  It was a fantastic day.  Lots of Canola fields around us and a lovely clear sunny day.
We returned to wagga, had lunch and then went to see Aunty Nancy again.  Only to find out that she had been admitted to tthe emergency ward for assessment.  Well at least she was in a good place and her condition had deteriorated overnight.  She had very little use in her left arm and she was having trouble seeing things on her left. Kerri - her daughter - and her neice Cheryl were with her.  She was finally admitted to the high risk ward at 10pm.
My knee is still swollen and becoming quite painful.  Lyn and Jenny have given me the number of one of the medical centres in town and I am to start to ring from 8.25 in the mornng to try and get an appointment.

Tuesday we were up early and contacting th doctors and managed to get an appointment at 11.45.
We went down to the hospital at 11am and saw Aunty Nancy for a short time before she was taken to have some scans done and then she was being assessed by the stroke team.  Apparently they have found something on the scans and she is to go for an MRI on Wednesday. 
My knee today is clicking as I walk and the swelling seems to be going around my knee.  Saw the doctor and he has sent me for a CT scan.  The earliest appointment is 5pm on Thursday.  It is to be done at Regional Imaging which is where both my sisters work.
I went and had my hair trimmed today and even though the hairdresser tied not to cut my crown tooooo short - I still ended up with my hair sticking up like 'cocky' :)
Pauline helped me dye it tonight - so feeling much better.  Will stay at the house tomorrow and rest my leg.  Am going to visit another cousin on Thursday - Dianne Ross - and we are going to go over the family tree following the Pendrick's and the Hamilton's.

1 comment:

  1. awww Barb, no wonder you need a hug girlfriend, hope you feel much better soon, you aren't supposed to play up like that on holiday, it is all supposed to be fun!!! get well soon love, sorry to hear about your Aunt, hope she improves!
    Love jenni xx
