26 September 2011

Baradine 26.9.11

Well hello everyone.
Time sure seems to be whizzing by…..

We are currently at Baradine, 45km NW of Coonabarabran in central NSW.  We have been here since Friday and are enjoying the company of 116 other camping families for the 10th Birthday of the Campertrailers group.

What have we been up to since we last wrote…..


We spent a week in Wagga Wagga with my sister and her family.

My niece Pauline, My Sister Jennifer, My brother-in-law Peter and Niece Kayla. 
We had a great week parked outside their house and spent some quality time with them and my other sister Lynette and family.

Us with Niece Meghan and her son Jaden

my sister Lynette with grandson Jaden

  We spent time with my Mum.  We managed to catch up with a couple of the nieces and nephews and their families and a couple of the cousins also.

Went to a lookout with b-i-l Peter

A canola field, looking back toward Wagga Wagga

  looking toward the snowy mountains

We then went to Condobolin and spent a week with my brother Ian and his family and now at Baradine.

Tattoo in Condobolin – this is the Federal Police Pipe Band

Darryl and I with my brother Ian and his daughter Holly in the background.

  Visited the ‘Dog in a log”

  Met some interesting cyclists!!!!

Brother Ian and his wife Wendy with daughter Holly, dogs Daisy (tan) and Rosie (black)

and not forgetting “nibbles” the kangaroo.

Camp Cyprus the day we arrived

the next afternoon

the other side of the road


  1. Just letting you know some of the pics didnt come up as I was looking... both of the Meghan pics and camp the next day. Glad to see you are both well!! Love you! Bec

  2. I think I have worked out a little bit about the commenting on these pages.. I have changed my commenting to one that opens in a new window and I can use my Google ID with these ones... I commented on a different blog and found I could use my account when it opened in a popup.. So I have done that to mine and I think it has worked.. so try it! Go to the Settings and Comments... its down the page a little! Cheers!! Bec

  3. Have fun at Baradine......Say "Hi" to Rob the Boss from us...and please let people know our friends.. Burnie & Shirley can't make it there this year due to health problems

    Stay safe

    Dave & Rosie

  4. jus noticed that Beck
    Will try and fix it. Mum
