03 October 2011

Coolah 2.10.11

Hello everyone, Well it seems that every time I turn around a week or more has gone past.  Time is just slipping by as we spend time in the company of some lovely friends.  Last time I wrote I think we were still in Condobolin and about to head off to Baradine.
We left  Condobolin on Friday the 23rd of September and headed towards Trundle but missed the turn and ended up at Trangie……  We saw a family of Emus on the way.  Dad, 4 chicks and Mum coming crashing through the bush J

We stopped at Trangie and had lunch at the imperial hotel café.  This was very nice indeed.  We then drove on to Coonamble and got a loaf of bread before heading out to Baradine.
We arrived at Baradine at about 3pm and promptly chose a spot and met our neighbours.   Amanda and Alan and their son Davis – who we had met 2 years ago at Upper Colo in NSW.  Before nightfall we were joined by two other families and our friend from the Glass House Mountains – Neil.

What a great week was had.  When we drove down the main street it was to see posters adorning the shop windows with “Welcome Campertrailers to Baradine”.  These were made by the local school children. 
There was even a big sign at the entrance to the town.  Made us feel very welcome.  It did not seem anytime at all and the week was almost over and we realised that we had not spent anytime on the net – but it was great sitting and chatting around the campfire each evening. 
Even in the rain.  Alan and Amanda had rigged up a  large tarp over the fire pit and we could sit around the fire listening to the rain. The camaraderie was wonderful.  Reminded me of a camp that was held at Mount Barney many years ago……. :D J  [That was a great weekend with great friends J]
We had a Baradine day on Wednesday.  We had breakfast cooked by the local schools, then we had a day of street stalls down the main street, dinner that evening was cooked by the local community and then the night was topped off by a local singer and performer.  During this we also had an auction to raise money for the local hospital Auxiliary.  We raised over $3000 for the auxilliary.  Not a bad effort from 109 campertrilers.
The day started out sunny but by nightfall we were having constant showers which became heavier during the nights entertainment.  During the night we had torrential rain and we had a river running through our awning and several campers had to be rescued from the torrents and moved to higher ground.  Some say that we 50mm that night but it sure felt more like 75mm. 
Thursday started with light rain and then we got blustering gales and lots of awnings and annexes had to be further secured.  We just rolled ours in.  With all the water hanging around – it didn’t take long for the children to find the mud. 

They had an absolute ball seeing who could sink the furthest into the mud.  The poor washing machines were truly working overtime.
Friday was lovely and sunny and we decided that we would go for a drive to Pilliga to the Bore Baths.
  creek near the bore baths

There were three families heading that way.  We spent a lovely 2 hours soaking up the benefits of the mineral baths before heading into the village of Pilliga for lunch at the café.  We then realised that we only had 45 minutes to travel the 75km back to camp for the closing ceremony.  This included a drive on 35km of dirt road……..  We made just in time……
 I am at the very back

The closing ceremony was short and sweet and we found out that the plan is to have next years national meet at Wellington NSW.  So that is where we should be next October and meeting up with all our camping friends again…..  
On Saturday we had another day of showers and sunshine.   It really put a dampener on a lot of activities and just as people thought the canvas would be dry enough to pack up – another shower would come through.
Sunday saw the introduction of daylight saving into NSW and we were running an hour late all day J
Most of those remaining at the camp packed up and were on our merry way.  I think there were only about 6 campers left that night.  We left Camp Cyprus at 1pm [we did a load of washing before we left] and arrived in Coolah at 3pm.  Had had had to wait for the diesel pump to be free in Coonabarabran to get fuel.  10km out of Coolah it started to rain. 

The lady at the van park said that it had been raining for the past 5 days……..

I set up the clothes line under the awning – only to find that it was filthy…. L  We then had to do another two loads to get it all clean again.  We then hung the washing under the awning trying to keep it out of the rain……
 end of day rainbow

Monday (October 3 and Labour Day in NSW) started out clear skies, cold and a light breeze.  We moved the little clothes line out into the breeze and the did another 2 loads of washing to try and get everything clean before we go to my brother Peter’s tomorrow.  We just have to wait for him to get home from visiting his friends at Tomingley.  The road to Peter’s is all dirt and some of the trees not really high and Darryl has concerns re the van fitting under the branches.  Will talk to Peter first.
We will not have internet or mobile phone contact whilst we are visiting Peter so we may be out of contact for a week.
We will be in Bingara [near Inverell NSW] next Sunday afternoon.  We will remain there until the 18th October with our caravanning friends and then head home.

Keep well everyone.

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