29 August 2011

Moama - our last day here 29.8.11

Well today started off with rain - yep - after a glorious week we had to have rain on our last day.. hehehe
The day started out late as we did not have a lot planned.
Darryl did the washing and then as it was raining put the clothes in the dryer - 50 minutes later they were still damp - so they went back in for another 50 minutes...... viola..... dry at last...
I then did the 'van' housework...... cleaned the floor, did the washing up and emptied the port potti (Darryl refuses to do it :D)
Then stripped the bed and washed the sheets and towels.  and guess what?????  Yep - took 2 lots of 50 minutes to get one queen bed sheet set, two towels and 2 bathmats dry.,.....  what a rip off!!!
Anyway it is all done before we leave in the morning so we ave plentyof fresh clothes.
Last night we went out to the Moama Bowling club to meet up with some peole from the Aussie Baby Boomers website.  These four people have been following [virtually] in our footsteps for the past month - so we extended our stay here to meet them.
What a geat bunch of people.
Trevor, Greg and Cas, And Trevor's wife Carole, chatting with Lyn

We had had a lovely time chatting over drinks before moving to the dining room to enjoy dinner and then to the cafe for coffee and desert. all of thistook place during the 4 hours that we were together.
What a lovely evening and four new friends.
Our other friends Ken and Lyn joined us for the evening.  Unfortunately Marj was not well last night so had to forego dinner and the meeting.
Today Darryl and I had the pleasure of joining Marj for Afternoon tea.  2 hours passed before we knew it.

Thank you for making our stay in Echuca/Moama such an enjoyable time.

1 comment:

  1. Gee you are going to have friends all over the place soon... You'll never stay at 'home' :) Thanks for the cookbook it arrived today!!
