Sat 22nd September. Today we did a drive across to Warooka, down
to Yorketown to Edithburgh (pronounced Edith-burg) and up the east coast to
Stansbury and Port Vincent before heading West to Curramulka and down to
Minlaton, Warooka and back to Corny Point.
At Edithburgh we went south to the Wattle Point
Wind Farm – there are 55 turbines in this field which was finished in 2006. The towers are 67 metres tall, each tower has
three segments and weighs 90 tonnes. The
‘box’ thing at the top of the tower weighs 51 tonnes. The blades are 40metres
long each and weigh 7.5 tonnes.
We saw some nice flowers today. A yellow one and one that looks like a
geranium hybrid.
On the way up the coast we stopped at Wool Bay
and investigated the old Lime Kiln. Lime
burning was an important industry along this coast until the 1950’s. It was
mined along the coast, burnt here and shipped across to Adelaide to be used in
mortar in the building industry. In 1908
there were three and another three added in 1910. The kiln we saw was built after 1921 but the
plans for it were ‘altered’ and the kiln never burnt successfully due to
draught problems.
There is a nice jetty at Wool Bay and a nice sandy bottom close to shore. We saw a group of four children being taught how to snorkel whilst we were here. I did think it inappropriate that they were taken out to the end of the jetty where all the fishermen had their lines in the water.
The people of SA seem to like their agaves and we saw more today with their big curling flowers. They really are spectacular.
We saw lots of different wattles in flower and a lovely plant in Stansbury – Leucospermum.
Some lovely murals on sheds and café’s and then there were the seagulls waiting for us to give them our crumbs from our lunch.
Whilst following the shore front streets we even came across the ‘life guards chair’. Don’t think it used often though.
We stopped at Port Vincent and saw a ’leatherjacket fish’ in the shallows and then saw a squid caught off the jetty. To me it was small but there was no size restrictions applicable – so allowable to keep.
There is a lovely older home across from the jetty that really caught my eye.
We then travelled to Curramulka. The village in the hollow. Lots of great old homes here too and a metal sculpture of an Emu and a nice cactus garden near an old shed.

We then headed back to Corny Point.
Sun 23rd. Today we left Corny Point and made our way up
through Minlaton to Maitland and on to Moonta.
Got disorientated in Moonta as there are no signs indicating which way
to go.
We found our way out and up to Wallaroo where
we stopped at the ‘Office Beach Caravan Park’.
This park is now owned by a young couple – Darren and Kristy, and there
two children – who have been here for 7 weeks.
They have made some massive changes to the park – removed four asbestos
cabins, chopped out all the fine-needle pine trees, are repainting all the
current cabins. Have put a jumping pillow into an area where the previous
owners never parked vans, and knocked down the old camp kitchen and put in a
new one. They have plans to relocated
the entry into the park and build a new residence. The current residence will then become a
three bedroom rental. In this park you
are walking distance to the swimming enclosure [a 50 x 25 metre structure, with
a 25m x 10m shallow end] and encompassed by three floating buffers; another
20metres and you are at the start of the jetty and on the other side of that is
a stony beach and fishing area. Behind
the park is the walk along the old Smelter sight and you are only a 5 minute
walk up to the IGA or the nearest pub.
There are so many OLD miners homes and other
buildings here in Wallaroo. A very
interesting town.
Mon 24th. Today we did a drive to
Moonta Mines, Moonta and Moonta Bay and Port Hughes.
Moonta Mines has a self-drive tour map which is
not difficult to follow and shows you a lot of the mining history. We even walked to the top of one of the
Tailings Heaps to get a view point of the town.
I was amazed that you could still see the markings in the tailings –
considering it has been almost 100years since the last lot was piled there. Saw a lovely Miners Cottage with a beautiful
garden and HAD to stop at the Sweet Shop in the old Post Office and Darryl HAD
to stoop to get inside.
Moonta town is small but lots of nice old buildings, Moonta Bay is the new part of town and Port Hughes even newer.
The boat ramp at Port Hughes has not long been revamped and now has 6 lanes for launching/retrieving boats. There are marked parking bays for 200 boat-trailers. We talked to an old Greek gentleman, who had travelled up from Adelaide that morning to his ‘beach-shack’ for the weekend. He had caught himself a couple of nice blue-swimmer crabs for his dinner.
Tues 25th. Today we travelled to Kadina. Well……
We had trouble finding the information centre, which is now situated on
the road back to Moonta. The ladies
there seemed really disinterested in assisting us, and the young lady who did
help us appeared very eager to get back to her photocopying. Anyway we got the self-drive tour of Kadina
and set off. The map is a bit difficult
to follow (whether is because it is blurry or the streets aren’t named – I’m
uncertain) and after we had missed the 5th Point of interest we
decided to give up. We went into the
main area of town and that was a shambles.
The roads are being redone and the sidewalks are being paved and a lot
of the streets are now ‘one way’. We
managed to find a park and then went for a walk to find a café and get a
coffee. We found the ‘Cracked Pepper
Café’ which was BRILLIANT. The ladies
there made us a lovely coffee and they also had a lovely gluten free slice.
We left Kadina with mixed feelings and headed
for Bute. What a lovely small town. Lots to see here.
We left Bute and headed north west to Port Broughton. An interesting town and a nice place to rest. The water in the harbour here has a tannin stain to it. Apparently the water goes up into a lake and then comes back on the tide.
Took an arty-farty shot under the 384 metre jetty.
On the way back to Wallaroo we stopped at Alford and then went out to Tickera. Here we saw a tractor going out into the bay to get supplies from the fishing boat before returning to shore.
At Wallaroo we went for a walk along the beach and found ‘hair balls’ on the beach. These are apparently Posidonia_oceanica [Thank you Jeremy Guard].
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