After Bourke we went to Louth for two night and then on to Tilpa for another two. No phone or internet access at either place.
Stopped on the banks of the Darling at Louth and had two good days.
Darryl attempted fishing with no real result and was unable to catch anything in his yabbie traps. We left Louth and travelled the 98 km further SW to Tilpa. Had lunch at the Tilpa hotel - here if you pay $2 you can write your name on the wall and the money goes to the RFDS. So we did our bit :D
From here we travelled the 6 km to the NE and camped on the banks of the Darling at the Tilpa Weir.
Lovely quite spot and had it to ourelves. Darryl managed to catch lots of little fish but nothing that was "legal" so they all went back into the river :)on the 30th we left the weir and headed to Wilcannia via the western side of the river - cause it was the only side open :D - and then went to White Cliffs.
We went out and did the touristy things yesterday and today when we were going to travel to Menidee - we have stayed put so that Darryl can do some 'noodling' which is very similiar to fossicking.
The weather has been lovely - sunny days {except for the freezing winds} and the night temps have been down to 6 degrees over the past couple of days - so balmy really.
Have met up with some geat people and hope to see them further on in our travels.
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