17 May 2011

17 May 11

Today Darryl went fishing and came home with 3 nice Bream which we then had for dinner - yum.

I stayed at the van park and did the washing, some embroidery and some reading.  I even ventured for a short walk.
Another lovely day - clear skies and sun shining.
Autumn  foliage
Outside reception
Tomorrow we are off to Taree to visit Neville and family.


  1. Looks like you are enjoying the break! Nice Fish! Hope meniers treats you well, thinking of you, and grandma too... Have felt the urge to wear the cat necklace the last few days.. She must be around :)

  2. That is really nice Gertie.
    Meniere's is causing a few little hassels but coping........
    Love to the family
