16 January 2010

Slow day

Today is my sister Lyn's birthday - Happy Birthday to her;  yesterday was my half-sister Heather's birthday and on Monday is my brother Ian's birthday - he is currently on Norfolk Island - hopefully having a wonderful time with his family.

The weather here has been quite hot for the past fortnight - in the mid-thirties every day and down to about 20 at night.  I am afraid that we have relented and given in and used the AC at night :) 
The days have been slow - I went down to do some sewing yesterday - only to find that the younger of our dogs has been clamboring up onto my sewing table and sleeping on the quilt that I have been makng.  The older one can't get up onto the chair - let alone the table :)
Will have to go and get some more backing fabric as the current one is stained with what appears to be grease and lots of fine fur.   I don't think it will benefit from washing - so will get new backing :(
All I can say is thank goodness that I had only pinned it all together and that I had not begun to quilt it. :) :P
Went to the movies yesterday and saw Avatar 3D.  Was great but I had to shut my eyes when they were doing the looking down from vast heights and flying straight down at the ground.  Tried to watch it without the 3D glasses but everything was blurred.  Just keeping my head steady and my eyes closed helped me through.  Was A FANTASTIC movie and you can see the possibility of it being continued.
Tomorrow we want to start preparing the metal poles at the front and the fence at the back ready for rust-proofing and repainting.  It is not recommended to apply the paint in temps >30degrees - so if we do the prep work doing the day and paint in the afternoon - hopefuly we should be right.
Keep well everyone.

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