15 February 2012

A belated update of the blog........

Well hello there all.  My time does fly when you don’t keep track of it hey???
Well it has been 4 weeks since I put anything on the blog – and it has been an educational time J
Firstly – we had the pleasure of having our niece stay with us until the 13th January.
She was an immediate hit with the three grandchildren who all wanted to claim her and spend the maximum time with her.  After 24hours we had to put  limits on when she was available J  If she was in her bedroom then she was off limits – and because she is such a nice girl – these were minimal.

  We had a trip into ‘Brisvegas’ on the train and had a great afternoon at Southbank.
The Arbour is starting to look really lovely.  Such a shady place to walk.
We got home from our trip to South Bank and took the family out to dinner at the local sports club to wish Holly a safe trip home the next day.

         The boys love their cousin.

                with cousin Ben and Beckie
 with Aunty Barb and Uncle Darryl
Missy G was not with us this last week as she was spending time with her father.  She was VERY upset when she realised that we had been into the city, on the TRAIN, with Holly, without her…….
We are slowly getting used to having 2 very young persons in the house.  Yep – it is very hard to sleep in when they are jumping on the floor above your head J  The 12 year old tends to keep to himself a little and is USUALLY quiet :D
So for the next couple of weeks it was full-steam-ahead as the children got to go and see their new schools and begin to get things ready for a brand new year.  Mr B is going to the local High school and it has a dance troupe and dance academy so he was hopeful of getting in.
Miss G is going to the local Primary school and seems very eager to get there.
Master M is going to go to the local Daycare centre and wants to meet new friends.
We are still planning on doing our trip around the country this year and that will give Beck and the children time to get into a routine.  We have both the little ones in the same room, but once Darryl and I head out on our trip that will change and they will have their own rooms.  Uncle Ben will continue to live here also – unless a better job offer comes up. J
So – Mr B started in year 8 on the same day that Miss G started year 1.  Hmmm Mum could not split herself in half so she went to the first day with Miss G and Nanna and Granddad went to the first day with Mr B.  Nanna took copious notes so that Mum knew what was happening.  Mr B was the only boy to get an application for the dance try-outs – so hopefully that is a good sign.  His homeroom teacher is to be Mr D A Walker. J :D  Yep – How co-incidental is that????
   Looks like he really likes his uniform hey?

Mr B is a little upset as he wanted to do Japanese but they have put him into German.  That’s good because then he can teach Nanna to sprechen zie Deutch. J J Mr B also got into Dance troupe and contemporary dance.  He is VERY happy....
Miss G is liking her teachers very much and wants to go to school so that is Good!.
The second week into school and Mr B’s classes and homeroom were changed. L  He felt very upset by this as he was just getting to know some of his class-mates and his Mum went to the school to sort it out.  Apparently because there were more extra students than planned, the school decided to move some of the students into different classes.  Thankfully they saw the error of changing his classes and moved Mr B back to his original homeroom BUT changed some of the electives and now he is very happy as he is now learning Japanese.
During this time Miss G began to get clingy with Mum as she was being dropped off at school.  Hopefully it is just a passing phase and she will settle in.  She says she is making new friends and loves her teachers so that is good.
Master M is really enjoying the two days a week at ‘kids’.  He loves the interaction with the other children and his speech is improving.

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