05 December 2011

A lovely weekend with fellow Caravanners

Darryl and I have just spent a great weekend with 68 fellow caravanner's (34 vans) at the Redcliffe Showgrounds.  And during the weekend we held the groups AGM and the Christmas party.
Friday when we arrived the weather turned really cold in the evening and we had to pull out the jumpers.
Saturday was quite hot and sunny.
Sunday there was a market on in the showgrounds so most of us went across to contribute to the community funds :)
This morning we woke to overcast skies and lots of wind again.
We partook of several games of KLOP each afternoon and last night the game went right up to Bad light :D :)
 playing KLOP or Finska

What an addictive game it is.
  Our Christmas decorations up

 from the other end of the van

 all the photographers

 Santa made  a visit

 fellow revellers

 the rough seas at Redcliffe this morning as we were heading home.
Very blustery conditions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Barb and Darryl, so nice seeing you two on here. You sure have been having some good times travelling.
    Thanks for your comments on my blog.
    I hope all those health issues get resolved. Hope to see you both again one day soon.
    Hugs Maz
