18 March 2010

Currently in Maitland

Hi Everyone,
Well we arrived in Maitland on Tuesday afternoon and are at Ian, Wendy and Holly's house!
We have had a lovely visit.  Ian was not working yesterday as he had work to do on his other project, so he spent the day with us :) . 
The mornings here have been quite cool with a heavy dew but the days have been lovely.
Darryl and I are both well and today my wobbles' are behaving themselves.  Just a little imbalance and that is all :)  The tinnitus is also behaving - no cicadas at this point :D

Tomorrow we head off to Upper Colo near Windsor for a campertrailers meet.  There are going to be 48 campertrailers there (with 152 people).  Should be a good weekend.  We are expecting it to be quite cool of a night whilst there as it is in a valley in the mountains.

Got news yesterday that our neice is due to be induced this afternoon - so hopefully tomorrow we will have news of the new arrival !!!!!

Ian is due home anytime now and the cake in the oven smells delicious.....
Keep well everyone.
Love Barb


  1. What a shame we were in Japan for your visit to Maitland Barb, would love to have caught up again my friend, glad "the wobblies" have settled to give you chance to enjoy it, hope it stays like that for you for a few days at least, longer if possible. Enjoy the rest of your trip love!! we are having a ball over here
    Love Jenni & Gordy

  2. Sorry you were not here too Jenni. Good to hear that you are having a good time.
    Hope to catch up when you get home
